Sonntag, 22. Juli 2012

How To Find A Real Hero

It’s not important if it is "The Dark Knight Rises" you're watching or a new episode of your favorite TV-Crime-Show – the real hero will always be the guy in the background. He’s the one that dedicates his life to main character and is the real reason why there always is a happy end. There would be no Sherlock Holmes without Dr. Watson, no Batman without all his little helpers like Joseph Gordon-Levitts character Blake in "The Dark Knight Rises" and even Dr. House needed his Wilson to function.

What makes all this characters so special is the simple fact, that even if the hero gets all the credit, they are the heart and soul of the movie / tv show. They help without getting any benefits and therefor are always the kind of person who would never fish for compliments but simple do all the things out of kindness and love.

Finding the real deal

The same qualities are often found in real life men. The kinde guys who are the real deal that offers you a long romantic relationship are the ones that don’t need impress a woman with big gestures and expensive presents. They are the guys that stand in the background most of the time, but won’t hesitate to offer their help if needed and will always listen to you and all your problems with their whole heart. That’s why I will never look at the guy in front of me, desperately trying to get my attention, but rather the sweet guy in the background, that will actually care for me.